Holding the Drum
- Sit in a straight chair without arms.
- Place the drum on the thigh of the leg opposite to the hand that will hold the tipper.
- Pull the drum toward you
- Place your non-drumming hand inside the drum
Position your hand under any cross bars that may be present. How you rest your hand on the drum-head.is a personal choice. That choice WILL affect the tone of the drum. A general position is to form the hand inside the drum into the shape of a “C”. The heel of the hand and fingers are place don the drum-head.
You’ll need to experiment with hand position for comfort, dexterity and tone.
- Position your hand under any crossbars so that you can move your hand inside the drum without restriction.
For a double crossbar, position the crossbar so that it forms an “X”.
Do not position the double crossbar so that it form a “+” sign.
Crossbars can be helpful when making tonal changes in the drum. It is possible to wedge your hand between the crossbar and the head. Use the crossbar as support to push on the drum-head.
- Standing to Play the Bodhran